Sunday, October 17, 2010

Trisha Brown Dance Company

This year's Dance Umbrella festival is focusing on very important choreographer Trisha Brown. I had only seen one piece by her a few years back, and had not liked it much, but this year's shows were a revelation (I still feel so new and not very knowledgeable about contemporary dance!).

So pure, fluid, inventive, beautiful and sensual - I loved her movement and I can somehow now see what all the current contemporary dance artists and choreographers are trying to replicate or achieve.

There is a good article about Trisha Brown on the Guardian website - check it out.

I went to see early works too in the Tate Modern gallery - you can see my pics on Flickr.

Trisha Brown is "One of an almost zero number who can make 'dance' movement unconventional by seeming to exert no effort in letting it come alive" Jill Johnson, The Village Voice

But... interesting point from Alastair Macaulay (dance critic of the New York Times)
"I have two chief reservations about her. One: most of her work is consistently undisturbing, even in its visual and aural accompaniments, so that the sensuousness of the Brown world becomes too unvaryingly charming, with no evident toughness or rigor of mind or technique. The other: her work is limited in expression, always shying away from moments that might turn into drama".